Monday, January 11, 2010

I bought a seven-dollar pen because I always lose pens and got sick of not caring.

I felt like having something different today so I made myself a bacon and egg sandwich on 100% Whole Wheat Bakery Light bread.

Bacon is something I'm not terrible used to eating, which is probably why my stomach started feeling a little yucky 30 minutes later. I ate half and kinda picked the rest apart. I also had a Wellbeing be-HOT Exercise Enhancing Turbopak (not pictured)

My workout for today was one hour of step aerobics and one hour of definitions (weight training).

I wasn't terribly hungry when I got home so I snacked on a slice of toasted 100% Whole Wheat Bakery Light bread with one tablespoon of peanut butter and some honey.

Anyone else notice that I eat way too much bread?

I'm feeling seriously run-down today so I'm craving weird snacks instead of actual meals.
Before work I had a half of a small cucumber and one tablespoon of  Lite French Dressing

and then a container of blueberry Chobani Greek Yogurt.

I made a bowl of Progresso  Light Zesty Santa Fe Style Chicken to eat at work, but when I had a spoonful it kinda tasted like bile, and I lost interest in it very quickly. When you aren't feeling well do some foods you usually enjoy taste weird/different? I usually go crazy for any kind of soup but I just wasn't feeling it today.

I cut up two carrots with steroid issues before work (pictured whole next to a quarter for size reference)

I don't know how I feel about these...
I shared my carrot sticks with Katelyn because she loves her veggies :)

2 hours later I felt like a snack so I had...

an apple with peanut butter!!

Dinner was some awesome veggie dish my mom made: It has zucchini, white beans, black beans, grilled chicken, tomato and mushrooms. I added some grated cheese and ate all of it. 

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